Part 1 — Introduction
Since the inception of web automation in the 2010s and the increasing need for customer retention through exceptional customer service, many companies have leveraged business features of social media networks to promptly address customer grievances and difficulties.
But with the adoption of new technologies comes the avenue for exploitation by threat actors.
One very good business feature made available by instant messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Discord is ChatBots: which is a piece of automated messaging software that uses artificial intelligence to converse with customers Threat actors have indeed weaponized this feature for use in phishing campaigns and sometimes for Command and Control purposes.
In this article we will drill in on a somewhat advanced campaign where threat actoors are masquerading as a renowned bank in Africa, UBA and harvesting debit card information as well as its corresponding 2FA
As an average bank account owner with some banking difficulties, going on to Messenger with the intention of seeking customer service, you may come across two or more ChatBots depending who or what is being impersonated.

Interacting with the first Chatbot proved abortive as the agents are busy but a second identical Chatbot offers to resolve your issues by asking you to “Follow A Link” in order to attend to your request.

Upon following the link we are greeted with a “not so obvious” phish page requesting for: * Account Number * Card Number * Expiration Date * CVV * PIN

Traditonally the compromise of the above information wouldn’t be a problem as the malicious subject cannot get the bank to authorise transactions by merely supplying just the card details. Credit and debit card issuers now have additional layers of authentication for approval of transations — Visa has Verified By Visa, Mastercard has SecureCode By Mastercard. Nigerian banks also have The OTP (One Time Password), which is a private code or unique password that gives you added protection against unauthorized use of your card when making payments or shopping online.
To get around this layer of authentication, the actors have man-in-the-middled the campaign by also requesting for the users OTP, and then using that OTP to validate transactions.

If you wonder how they can achieve this in real time… Read Further.
After submission of a One Time Password we are greeted with a success page [[more like good luck your account has been emptied LOL]]

Part 2 — Some Technical Analysis
Now to the fun part. As the jobless hacker that i am 😊, I initiated the weapon of mass destruction: My brain, attacked the web application and got into the server. It was quite dissapointing to realize the web application makes use of shared hosting but nevertheless the privilege gave me access to the campaign materials and data which enable us see how the campaign operates.
For the sake brevity, I will be skipping certain pages and only focusing on the ones with key functions.
First, we get to see how successful this campaign has been with some card details and their corresponding OTPs

The index page calls login.php and generates a random md5 string for use as a session identifier.

In login.php, we are only concerned with the form action which helps us determine where the posted data is being sent to. In this case as we will see below, Mail1.php handles the supplied data.

Traditional phishing kits send harvested data to an email address using the phpmailer function. However looking at Mail1.php this kits leverages Telegram’s ChatBots API to instantenously notify the attacker of a new submission — which includes debit card data and OTP information.

- Telegram’s API endpoint
- Parameters supplied to the endpoint
- Harvested data sent along with the POST request
- The page to which the victim would be redirected to for harvesting the OTP
Looking at the OTP/email verification page, we can see the form action to be Mail2.php

Mail2.php is similar to Mail1.php as it sends the supplied OTP to the attacker’s Telegram group in real time.

- Ability to send data to Telegram or Discord
- After OTP submisson you get redirected to a prof.php page.
Prof.php is the success page that stays up for 3.5 seconds before redirecting the victim to the legitmate url for BA

Some other features of this kit are as below

- The blacklist reads several IP’s of a bot.txt text file and blocksaccess for those addresses
- The Bot-Crawler continually harvests addresses of known bots and appends them to the bot.txt file
- Bot-Spox is quite interesting as it harvests new bots as well
- Dila_DZ performs a HTTP REFERER check on the visitor to see if they are coming from the Phishtank website
- IP-Blacklist blocks access for hardcoded IP ranges
And the interesting stuff never ends…

- BIN_API checks the validity of the card you supplied by looking up the BIN in a bin database
- F^ck-You checks the Operating System the victim uses and determines if it’s blockworthy or not [FU.php lol]
- I was also able to get the Telegram bot’s token and chatID which could be used to social engineer the actor and maybe figure those behind the campaign

I could go ahead with this but like cybersecurity folks like to say “You need permission, bla bla bla, yada yada”. 🤦 🤦
Now you might wonder how the attacker makes money from all this; they may use your card in real time and link to services like Quickteller, OPay, Jumia, Aliexpress etc, verify with your supplied OTP, then use such accounts for bill payments, purchases and/or withdrawals.
Part 3 — Countermeasure
Technically, the success of this campaign and similar ones is in no way the fault of the company being impersonated. however as the cyber threat landscape evolves, a lot of research needs to be done in the field of authentication and payment processing; OTPs are facing out as there is TOTP, HOTP, FaceID. Payment authetications like PayConfirm and so on.
But as always the best line of defence against phishing is awareness and training hence the need for more articles like this one.
Opinions here are my own and not the views of my employer
Open to any work that’ll make the CISO happy 😀 in other words VA/PT/RT
Resume at : Online Resume
Originally published at