GLITCH Room on TryHackMe as a CLI Junkie
Good day hacker, Spend more time in the CLI as much as you can, For that’s where we belong
Glitch is a easy machine from TryHackMe that proves your ability to enumerate quickly and proves the solidification of your methodology
We Start of with a quick comprehensive nmap scan

While scan was running the -vv ‘very verbose’ tag on nmap gives us the port found as the scan probe’s are still running
We immediately curl port 80 to figure out a simple javascript query to what’s an obvious api

We proceed by sending a post request to the (‘/api/access’) page and enumerating what other method’s accepted by the api , in which we find the token :)

Proceeding by fuzzing the api using “Fuzz Faster U Fool” FFUF we find an “items” endpoint

this item endpoint also accepts a post request which means we can send data to the endpoint only if we have a parameter , this leads us to API parameter fuzzing using ffuf which for some reason did’nt work
Decided to try the old glorious wfuzz and Wholaaa!

we immediately send a post request to this endpoint using the cmd parameter only to get an error which included the “eval” method,

Im nothing close to a JavaScript developer but in other language’s like php the eval() method is usually abused to achieve Remote Code Execution
A quick google search of “JavaScript Eval RCE” leads us to LINK, which gives a break down of how eval could be exploited to gaining RCE using ‘chilprocess’
Following this exploit we gain a shell on the machine to retrieve user.txt